AIMS International Safety Seminar 2025 Call for Presentations Now Open



The call for presentations is now open. With the move to Orlando, Florida, this year’s annual safety seminar is shaping up to be our third consecutive record year and we invite you to be an instructor at the 2025 AIMS International Safety seminar, January 12-17.

AIMS International is looking for content that:

  • Demonstrates innovation and shares cutting-edge content;
  • Stimulates discussion and audience engagement;
  • Provides examples of best practices;
  • Targets: emerging and seasoned professionals;
  • It includes video, audio, or other media to engage different learning types.

Although we encourage new courses, you may teach the same courses* as in past years with the understanding that the content is current.

Becoming an instructor has never been easier! To apply, simply CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT the following:

  • Course Title
  • Course Description
  • Learning Objectives
  • Headshot & Bio

For returning instructors, it's even easier. 



Please do not email your submission. Simply click HERE to submit your 2024 AIMS International Safety Seminar Course Proposal online. You must complete a separate form for each session you would like to teach (even if you have taught the same course at past Safety Seminars). All sections of the form must be completed for your course to be considered. Submissions are due June 16, 2024. 

Once your course has been selected, an AIMS International Young Professional will contact you with further details. This Young Professional Instructor Liaison will be your main point of contact and available to assist you with submitting your course materials, instructor bio, headshot, and any special requests.

Thank you again for your participation in the AIMS International Safety Seminar. Your contribution keeps our association strong, improves safety in the amusement industry and saves lives.